How To Cancel Offer On Mercari



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How To Cancel Offer On Mercari

Making a wrong offer in Mercari is one of the most annoying parts of online shopping. This e-commerce platform doesn’t allow its shoppers to cancel any offer. As they give the bargain facility, they play by the Seller’s side in case of cancellation. From a seller’s view, this is amazing but not as a buyer.

Sometimes, the cancellation process in mercari becomes a real pain. And so, we have compiled this article discussing all our tested ways to cancel an offer on Mercari. 

Why Is It Hard To Cancel Mercari Offers Once Made

The operations of the E-commerce platform Mercari are way different from others. Unlike other e-commerce platforms, you do not just click on a product and add it to the cart. In Mercari, you have to add the product to your wishlist, and you will get an opportunity to bargain about the price once you and the Seller agree with the price you can offer. However, all good things come with a flaw! 

And in the case of Mercari, the flaw is that the shopper doesn’t get the authority to cancel the order. This happens because of the bargaining opportunity. So, if you want to cancel an offer on Mercari, it gets pretty hard to do. You have to convince the Seller to cancel the contract. In other ways, it is quite impossible. 

Proven Ways To Cancel Offer On Mercari

As we have discussed earlier, canceling Mercari offers is not as easy as other e-commerce platforms. You cannot do it directly like usual, so you have to play a bit tricky to get the job done. And here are some ways we found compelling to cancel a Mercari offer. These ways are tested and hopefully will help you in the canceling process.

Contact Mercari To Cancel The Offer

Directly Contacting the Mercari platform is the easiest way to cancel the order. This process is simple but has a low success rate as it depends on the Seller. This method will only work if the Seller agrees to cancel. Also, you have to make the cancellation request within 24 hours of your order. The process is:

  • Locate the section named “Order Status” and click on it. On this page, you can see various options, including the products present in the situation.
  • Then find the “request cancellation” and click on it. Your cancellation request will be sent to Mercari.
  • Next, Mercari will consider your request and let you know if the Seller is willing to cancel the offer within 24 hours.
  • After that, you have to wait for 24 hours; if the Seller agrees to cancel or doesn’t respond for 24 hours, you will get the refund. If the Seller refuses to cancel the offer, you must go other ways.

Convince The Seller To Cancel The Offer

Though in Mercari, you do not have the authority to cancel the order, the Seller has. So, you can gently ask the Seller to withdraw the offer. To contact the Seller, you must go to the message box and message them knowing why you want to cancel the order. Remember, a reputed seller will never let a potential buyer down. So, in your messages, you have to choose your words wisely. You can send your messages like this:

“I am really sorry for this uncertain request but I have placed a wrong offer in your shop. I mistakenly have chosen the wrong item that I actually have one. It would be great if you cancel the offer for now. I will surely let you know if i need anything later.”

Related: How To Increase Sales On Mercari

Block The Seller

You can also cancel the offer by blocking the Seller, but it is rough and can get you banned from the platform. This way is effective and can cancel the offer immediately if not shipped. 

To block the Seller, click on the profile picture of the Seller; there, you will get some options, including the block seller option. Select the “block” button, and you will get rid of the unwanted deal.

Note: Do not practice blocking too often. It is one of the reasons to get blocked on Mercari forever.

Related: Get Back On Mercari After Being Banned

Delete Your Mercari Account

Deleting your mercari account can also help you to cancel the offer. Once your account is deleted, Mercari will remove all your data from the platform, and the offer will get withdrawn automatically. Here’s how to delete your mercari account.

  • Go to the “settings” page and scroll down.
  • Below you will find the option to edit the setting of the account by the name of “edit account. Click on it.
  • Once you click on the edit account option, you will get the chance of account closing. From there, choose the “close account.”
  • After clicking on the closing button, you have to answer a question of Mercari mentioning the reason for deletion. Answer the question, and your account will be deleted.

Note: you can activate the account again later only by login into the account from the Mercari website.


Canceling offers on Mercari is not a challenging task anymore with the ways we provided. However, all our ways are not ethical, as we have mentioned earlier. Likely, blocking the Seller or deleting your account can make you the subject for banning. So, be careful with your actions. And. Do not cancel the offers unnecessarily. It harms the sellers and gradually becomes a bad habit.